петък, 9 януари 2009 г.

Sql Error #8186, Severity 16

Sql Error Number:8186
Severity: 16

Description: Function '%.*ls' can be used only on user and system tables.

Possibly related links:
Errors 8000 - 8999
... in table '%.*ls' can only be specified when a column list is used and ... Function '%.*ls' can be used only on user and system tables. 8190. 16 ...
Errors 8000 - 8999
... in table '%.*ls' can only be specified when a column list is used and ... Function '%.*ls' can be used only on user and system tables. 8187. 16. Yes ...
Improved System Info and Kernel, Debugging, Security, and UI APIs
... if a file name can be used on a file allocation table (FAT) file system volume. ... All the user-defined types in a given symbol table can be enumerated ...
Errors 4000 - 4999
ls is not a valid windowing function, and cannot be used with ... ls' in table '%.*ls' cannot be persisted because the column does user or system data access. ...
Errors 5000 - 5999
... ls') because it is a stored procedure or user-defined function, ... USED pages %.*ls: From system table - %I64d pages; Actual - %I64d pages. 5266. 10. No ...
Errors 17000 - 17999
ls can only be executed in the master database. 17802. 20. Yes ... CPU Used: kernel %I64d ms, user %I64d ms. Process Utilization %d%%. System Idle ...
Errors 9000 - 9999
XQuery: '%.*ls' referenced by sql:variable() is not a valid system function name. ... The column '%.*ls' in the table '%.*ls' cannot be used for full-text search ...
Errors 7000 - 7999
Only one OPENXML column can be of type %ls. 7004. 16. No ... Table or indexed view '%.*ls' does not have a full-text index or user does not ...
Errors 30000 - 34999
A fulltext system view or stvf cannot open user table object id %d. 30005. 16. No ... on table '%ls' in database '%ls' because the index is on a read-only filegroup. ...
Errors 2000 - 2999
... trigger on table '%.*ls' because you can only create a trigger on a table in the ... DBCC DBREINDEX cannot be used on system tables. 2567. 14 ...

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