неделя, 23 ноември 2008 г.

Sql Error #6830, Severity 16

Sql Error Number:6830
Severity: 16

Description: FOR XML AUTO could not find the table owning the following column '%.*ls' to create a URL address for it. Remove the column, or use the BINARY BASE64 mode, or create the URL directly using the 'dbobject/TABLE[@PK1="V1"]/@COLUMN' syntax.

Possibly related links:
Errors 6000 - 6999
FOR XML AUTO could not find the table owning the following column '%.*ls' to ... BINARY BASE64 mode, or create the URL directly using the 'dbobject/TABLE[@PK1 ...
Errors 6000 - 6999
FOR XML AUTO could not find the table owning the following column '%.*ls' to ... BINARY BASE64 mode, or create the URL directly using the 'dbobject/TABLE[@PK1 ...

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