четвъртък, 11 декември 2008 г.

Sql Error #7677, Severity 16

Sql Error Number:7677
Severity: 16

Description: Column "%.*ls" is not full-text indexed.

Possibly related links:
Errors 7000 - 7999
Column '%.*ls' cannot be used for full-text search because it is not a character ... Column "%.*ls" is not full-text indexed. 7678. 16. No ...
Errors 7000 - 7999
... or FREETEXT predicate on %S_MSG '%.*ls' because it is not full-text indexed. ... or drop column '%.*ls' because it is enabled for Full-Text Search. 7615 ...
Errors 9000 - 9999
Computed column '%.*ls' cannot be used for full-text search because it is ... Full-text auto change tracking is turned off for table or indexed view '%ls' ...
Errors 15000 - 15999
... level because database has a view or computed column that is indexed. ... ls' is not a valid index to enforce a full-text search key. ...
Errors 1000 - 1999
The text/ntext/image constants are not yet implemented. 1062. 16 ... Could not create DEFAULT for column '%.*ls' as it is not a valid column in the table '%.*ls' ...
SQL Server 2005 Row Versioning-Based Transaction Isolation
... timestamp column to ensure that the data has not been changed by other callers ... The load is followed by changing the recovery model to full and then ...
SQL Server 2005 Row Versioning-Based Transaction Isolation
... timestamp column to ensure that the data has not been changed by other callers ... The load is followed by changing the recovery model to full and then ...
Test Run: UI Automation with Windows PowerShell
... and understandable for this column, I am not following every best coding practice. ... ( Windows PowerShell provides full access to the .NET Framework. Very cool! ...
Errors 10000 - 10999
... ls" because it references a table using a CONTAINSTABLE or FREETEXTTABLE full-text function. ... Views that contain a sparse column set cannot be indexed. ...
Errors 1000 - 1999
... be enabled because the "%.*ls" database is not in full recovery mode on both partners. ... sparse column cannot be of the following data types: text, ntext, ...

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