четвъртък, 11 декември 2008 г.

Sql Error #7679, Severity 16

Sql Error Number:7679
Severity: 16

Description: Full-text index language of column "%.*ls" is not a language supported by full-text search.

Possibly related links:
Errors 7000 - 7999
Full-text index language of column "%.*ls" is not a language supported by full-text search. ... full-text index language is not a language supported by full ...
Errors 15000 - 15999
ls' is not a valid index to enforce a full-text search key. ... Column '%ls' of table '%ls' cannot be used for full-text search because it is ...
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... to the set of rows that have not yet been read (for example, an index key change) ... the performance of the load by using a mix of the full and bulk ...
Errors 1 - 999
Data type %ls of receiving variable is not equal to the data type %ls of column '%.*ls' ... page translations are not supported for the text data type. From: ...

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